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  • Writer's pictureMatchmaker Lisa Maria

The Un-science of Love

I have never really understood the place for science in love. Science is based on objectivity. There is cause and effect without the injection of personal feelings. Love is almost always subjective. It is also very difficult to replicate identically. There are far too many extraneous factors that cannot be controlled. What science attempts to give us is "conditional love" where we compare our love to the stats of others. True love is unconditional. So, why do we go searching for that one perfect result when it comes to love?

If you become a profiler in your quest for love, then you will spend your time looking for cookie cutter perfection. You will miss out on the art and beauty of falling in love. Social science can study the patterns of people who fall in love, but there are truly no clear-cut predictors. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't. You just have to jump right in and see where it goes. This is where faith comes in. You have to jump and hope that the love net catches your fall.

So, the next time that you find yourself searching for perfection based on your laundry list of “must haves”, make sure to see the person in front of you. Is this your person, flaws and all? What can you live with for the sake of love? Get out of your head, and step into your heart. There is no one “perfect” person, but there is the perfect person for you. Be present. Enjoy the

moments. Experiment with an open mind. You never know where love will lead you.


Matchmaker Lisa Maria

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