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  • Writer's pictureMatchmaker Lisa Maria

Be a Betty

Today would have been Betty White's 100th birthday. Even though she is gone, we are all still celebrating with her today. Some may say that it is strange to celebrate the birthday of someone that you have never met, but some celebrities just affect people in that way. Betty truly was a gem, both as an entertainer and as a human. She was loved by so many. We all aspire to be a "Betty" in one way or another. There are so many things that made her such a special person.

1) She was funny. Betty had the most amazing comedic timing. It was effortless, genuine, and believable. Her delivery was flawless, every single time. There is a reason why "The Golden Girls" has spanned generations. The characters were relatable. Rose was always my favorite Golden Girl. She was just so unapologetically herself. I imagine that wherever Betty is, she is still making everyone around her laugh. I hope "The Girls" are celebrating together today.

2) She did not let her age define her. Betty worked well into her 90's. In Hollywood, where women tend to "age out" of their careers, Betty just kept getting better. She did not let anything, or anyone, hold her back. Age truly was just a number to her. She owned that shit, and she went with it.

3) She paved the way for the women after her. Betty was a great actress as we all know, but she was also one of the first female producers in Hollywood. She was one of the first women to define creative control over her own career. This makes her even more of a badass in my opinion. She did not let obstacles define her path. She knew us women had goals.

4) She gave zero fucks. She was authentically herself in every single way. Don't like it? Change the channel.

5) She was not afraid to poke fun at herself. Betty had a knack for self-deprecating humor as well. She was not afraid to jump in front of the humor train to make those around her laugh. We should all be so lucky to have that level of confidence.

6) She was a little naughty in the best possible way. Betty was not afraid to show her cheeky side or to let the occasional four letter word slip through her lips. She was like everyone's favorite grandma, with great stories and a whole lot of edgy humor.

7) She accepted everyone. Betty was always a bit progressive for a woman of her time. She treated everyone with the same level of love and respect, no matter their backgrounds or beliefs. She also stood up for those who needed an extra voice in their corner.

8) She was kind. Anyone can be nice when they want something, but Betty was kind even when nobody was looking. I have never met a single person who spoke ill of her. Everyone loved her because she loved everyone right back.

9) She had one great love, and she spoke of him often. Betty was married a few times, but her last husband was her one true love. When people asked her why she never remarried after he passed away, she always told them that she already had the best guy there is. A love like theirs is truly remarkable. It makes my heart happy to think that they are reunited in love once again. May we all find a love like that in our lifetime.

10) She lived a well-balanced life. Betty lived a pretty healthy lifestyle, but she also made room for the little things that brought her joy, like a glass of vodka and a hot dog. I think part of the reason why she lived so long was due to the fact that she realized that perfection was for the weak. It takes a true heroine to realize that joy is part of the process in life.

11) She was an advocate for our furry friends. Betty was almost as well-known for her animal activism as she was for her career in the Arts. She loved all animals. She donated her time and money to protect them as much as possible. She even turned down roles if there was a chance that an animal would be harmed or even portrayed as being harmed. She did not want any part of that nonsense. Betty truly loved all beings. You could see her face light up when she was around her beloved animal friends. They loved her right back.

I think that it is pretty easy to see why Betty White was so very loved. She lived her life with kindness, grace, humor, creativity, and a tenacious wit that kept us on our toes. She made all of us laugh and smile with her work. Her dance sequence performance in "The Proposal" is one of my favorite movie clips of all time. She was just so damn funny. She was a true national treasure, and I will miss seeing her on the screen. I hope that her life is an example to us all of what a well-lived and well-loved life looks like. May we all aspire to be a Betty. I know that I do.

From my heart to yours,

Lisa Maria

There is a #BettyWhiteChallenge going around where people are donating to their favorite animal organization in honor of Betty's birthday today. Feel free to do the same.

Here is one of my favorite pet organizations if you feel moved to donate in Betty's memory today.

Please donate to Peaceful Passing for Pets at the link below. They provide end of life hospice care for our furry friends that make our lives so much better, so that they can leave this world with the love, care. and dignity that we would want for them. They also support the families to help them prepare for that loss.

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